
Tale Weaver Feast



13 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipDouble MasterLegendaryPride - BisexualAuster Explorer
Treat 2019Famous
09-11-2022, 07:47 AM
All You Have Is Your Fire...

Pyralis had mulled over the idea of going to Fenmyre's festival like an old bone. Rolling the invitation over with her tongue before crunching down with ehr teeth. She'd go. It could be a trap but what did she really have to lose? If anything she was in a race toward her passing, seeking some shred of control. She wanted to go in battle or at least in some way other than old age and disease.

So Pyralis packed a few things, called to her companions, and headed out toward the pack the pirates had once raided. As she neared the location of the feast the scents of food and those gathered grew stronger until she arrived amongst the gathering. She eyed the delicious looking meal spread out for those assembled but restrained herself from simply digging right in. Instead she moved toward Chimera.

"Greetings, thanks for the invitation and glad to know there are no hard feelings about the raid. Though I'm sure being the victor helped." She winked at the man.

Please note that Pyralis is a ghost. It is up to you to decide what level your chars can see/hear her. She was killed by having her throat ripped apart. At times the wound may be visible and be actively bleeding.

Hear ye!  Hear ye! Beware her Ladyship, her Excellence (etc. ad infinitum), Captain Pyralis Abraxas.  Thread with at yer own risk!  This cutthroat savage stands accused though not convicted of heinous crimes including murder, maiming, brawling, cursing, kidnapping and an unspeakable event involving a newt, two coyotes and a distressed potoo.  Ye've been warned!