
Ophelia Von Kleine


10-13-2013, 10:05 AM

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OOC Name: Nine-Sama

How did you get here?: Former Member

Age: 24-ish

Other: *staff note* this is a remodeled character [Legacy] from the previous site. Permission granted by Lutara.

Character's Name: Ophelia Von Kleine

Age: 3 years old

Season of birth: Spring

Size: 34 inches

Appearance description: The foreigner emanates a deferential magnetism that is contrived from both her mesmeric form and her timorous character. She is long of body to the point where such adjectives as lissome or elfin can be applied. Her slender make is hoisted high on limbs that would cause a male to salivate, long and feathered in trails of extended fur. And no matter her feral state Ophelia maintains an elegance and decidedly ladylike countenance that emphasize her waiflike stance. But do not be fooled by the dame?s glimmering packaging. Despite her petite framework there is scarcely anything of real delicacy to attribute to the woman.

Standing thirty-four inches at the shoulder Ophelia is not to be underestimated because her appearance fosters the outset thought of weakness. Albeit few can discern her actual height considering the woman has the tendency to collapse upon herself like a beaten animal, slinking to her destinations with the endeavor of being an uninteresting target for any passerby?s. Sadly it is usually a vain attempt. Her muscle structure, deceptively hidden by gossamer white, is battle-hardened. And while she is not one to fancy a skirmish she will do as is necessary in the circumstances that she finds herself in.

One of her more eye-catching traits ? in a relative sense ? is her tail which is estimated to span the general length her body. It gives her a look of something fanciful and otherworldly. Accompanied too by her coloring and she is vested in sensuality to tempt and tease.

Ophelia was conceived with Albinism, robbing her of pigment and yet somehow making for no less intriguing a visual effect. Any inch of exposed flesh is supple and pink and even that which is not immediately visible generates a blush-like undertone. Sweet cerise colors her eyes with a milky white overlay. In totality she has a very angelic figure, slight and not as imposing as she possibly could be.

Duty: Saboteur

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