
we might need one of these


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-12-2022, 11:28 AM

Her work was tedious but fulfilling as she cut near-perfect holes the size of the bamboo poles into the sides of the leather. She could feel Hanzo watching her work and that she did not mind. If she were embarrassed or shy about her Kaicho watching her work, she would have told him to leave sooner. As the holes were finished being made on each side of the leather strips, she moved to begin sliding them over the ends of the poles.

Tenshi would pause when Hanzo asked if she had spoken to Sedna. "I have introduced myself, but keep my distance for now. She is busy raising her pups and some first-time mothers tend to be overly protective," she states, once more in a matter-of-fact sense as there is no beating around the bush on these subjects. The woman knew of Sedna's abilities for healing, but the times she had gone by their living quarters, a lesson had been in place and Tenshi was not one to intrude. "Rheum is a good student and I appreciate being able to help the pup learn some techniques," Tenshi adds on with a small smile. Though, she does wish the other pups would show interest in healing lessons as well.

She continues to work on her gurney. Efficiently sliding the wide pieces of leather onto the bamboo poles and using a sap-like substance to hold them in place. The idea was to get at least one done for now and if it proved they needed more in the future, she would craft more. Stepping back to admire her craftmanship, Tenshi finally stole another glance at Hanzo. "Is Sedna okay? Is that why you ask of her?" She questions, curious now that possibly Hanzo had been inquiring because Sedna needed help more than friendship.

Craft Healing Supplies (Gurney) - 3/3