
Fire and Ice


10-13-2013, 11:24 AM

Attention drifted from the canopy, smoldering eyes resting on the phoenix's burnt paws. Dark lashes closed over tangerine lenses, a peaceful expresson on darkened features. It certainly was a pleasent area; well, minus all the chirping birds. Those avian creatures were the only thing that decreased the russet she-wolf's otherwise pleasent mood. If only she could remove their voice-boxes, then things would be perfect. Rich toned ears pulled forward as the fiery canine caught the sound of paw steps. Lips creased at the fact of another going through the thicket. However, it seemed that the stranger was moving quite swiftly. They were here for a reason. What that objective was though, the Russian beauty found no interest in.

Pale fur became visible after a few moments, fiery eyes focued on the other's bi-colored lenses. They were very strange, Nakita had never seen eyes quite like the wintery stranger's. One was an unnatural hue of indigo, while the other was like staring at the silver moon. She would look over the pale youth's form with a bit of interest, noticing her wider paws but would refrain from commenting on them. Instead a sly smile slipped onto the pheonix's dark lips, her buring gaze holding a teasing glint. However, when the other spoke the Russian beauty's expression would change into one of dull amusement. "Expecting someone else, dorogaya?" she said, russian vocals invading the common tongue. A smile played in her amber gaze, wondering if the other would be confused by Nakita's foreign lyrics. She seemed quite the emotionless thing, but that only added to the fun. To break that icy exterior would be an interesting thing to see.