
Felicita Adalfero



2 Years
10-13-2013, 02:16 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 10:17 PM by Felicita.)
OOC Name: Ria
How did you get here?: I don't even know anymore o.o
Age: 17

Character's Name: Felicita Adalfero
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Winter
Size: 26"
Appearance description: Felicita is a rare beauty. Her luscious fur is not the rough texture of a grown wolf, and despite the fact that she is one year old, her coat will retain the soft, downy texture of puppy fur her entire life. While this may make her look younger than she really is, Felicita proves to be an elegant woman in her youth. Her luxurious coat is a warm mixture of chocolate and cream, with a slight beige tint. The individual hairs covering her hide are quite long, making Felicita look even more fluffy. Unfortunately, her coat stays quite thick all year 'round. In winter, Fell stays quite warm, but summer is a bit of a hassle. She must refrain from staying in direct sunlight for too long or she risks overheating and suffering from sun illnesses. Felicita's head is elegantly shaped, with a regal cast to it that fits her selfless pride. Her audits are large and rounded, coming to a very broad point at the top. Fell's orbs are a lovely emerald color, seeming to reflect every verdant green of the forest, speckled with flecks of metallic gold. Surrounding each eye is an oval of pure chocolate brown, streaks highlighting underneath each oval with a striking contrast of pure white. The white stretches down the sides of her muzzle, where they abruptly come to a halt when reaching her moist black nose. While small, Felicita holds herself with a sense of self-assurance that makes her seem much larger. While sweet and kind, she has a very imposing presence. Her back and waist are very trim, but underneath her thick fur and tough hide is a layer of rock hard muscle. Obviously Fell wouldn't be very capable in a fight, but for keeping herself strong and healthy, she is more than capable.
Duty: Spy