
Sleepless Night


10-13-2013, 02:41 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Denden!

As the young girl paid her a compliment, the icy rose could only smile. This one was being raised right, by the parents she hurried to introduce with a sense of pride. Gargoyle and Ocena, the esteemed Gargoyle that led the Snow Rogues? Interesting. This one definitely looked like her father, so it was undeniable. As the pup confided her reasons for appearing on this lonely beach, the alabaster she wolf frowned slightly. A child should not be lost in thought for so long, she thought.

"Thank you for the compliment, my dear. You have a lovely name as well." She told the girl, smiling kindly.

"Well, you are safe here, no one would hurt you while I sit so near." She assured the youngster, in case there was a sense of fear of being alone. And because the woman's infinite mind wondered what troubled this babe, she lent voice to her thoughts.

"If I am not intruding, may I ask what those thoughts were? I may be able to offer some advice." She inquired, her moonstone orbs seeking any signs of stepping over the line within the young fae's two toned optics.
