


10-13-2013, 02:55 PM

When the world fell to bits. When everything that ever was is no more. it seemed those that walked similar paths always found one another. The question was, did fate tie their paths to help ease the pain or was there a far greater purpose? Keeping busy helped the mind become distracted. The sorrow that loomed in waves of dark foreboding clouds were kept at bay while trials and tribulations were endured but it always lingered. It was always hungry for a reaction. Always waiting for one moment where nothing could distract the mind or the heart from facing the pain and enduring it.

Today seemed to be that day for her king. They had barley had a chance to speak to on another. She had doubts and things that needed to be discussed but she couldn?t help the feeling of pain that seemed to slice threw the air around him. Her ears fell back in response as she slowly approached him. Her head low and even to her body and her own mind was fading in and out on what to do with everything. Zara, Kaios, Champion, Amenti, and here. It all ran circles around her head. Now with the possibility of Tortuga supporting Jupitors pack in an alliance, she couldn?t support such a choice. That bitch had taken everything from her and she would never assist her or her pack in any political disputes.

?Hello.? She said simply, she knew he was learning her voice. The way she carried herself. It was hard to release the feeling of power from her body but she had never demanded respect or dominance from anyone she ruled. They had always all been equal to her, no matter the rank or skills or gender. She had taken them all under as her wolves to care for and protect. ?We have many things to discuss.? She said apprehensively. She didn?t want to further upset her new king. She could see the lines of pain in his eyes. The feel of loss. It was all in his body and she knew it all to well. ?However, before we discuss such matters. If you need..? she thought for a moment. She was unsure if she was stepping over the line but she wanted to comfort him. ?If you need to discuss what ever is causing you pain. I am here.? She said finally. She was his beta and that meant she was his friend as well. She wanted him to be able to confide in her, all the good and bad, and truly be by his side to help him threw it all.
