
The Night Is Young And So Are We

Kite & Vanta <3


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
09-13-2022, 06:22 PM

The day had been fun and Andromeda and most of her siblings had spent the sun-filled hours playing outside. However, as the day went on and her sisters’ discomfort in the bright light grew, the purple pup had started to form a plan. After food and naps, when the sun begin to set, the group was finally ushered up to the family den for the night and Andy had curled up against her mother amongst the pile of puppy bodies like normal. However, she did not sleep. Keen ears listen to her families breathing, mentally checking off when each one falls asleep while her eyes stay firmly shut.

Finally, they are all asleep and Andy cracks open one pale blue eye to sweep the darkness. Carefully, the purple pup begins the laborious task of extracting herself from the slumbering mass of her siblings without disturbing any of them. Once she is free, Andromeda looks over the pile until she spies the sleeping forms of her sisters. Stepping up next to Vanta, the pup gently pokes her awake, placing a paw over her lips in the universal sign to be quiet. Eyes dance with joy and excitement as she waves her paw to usher her sister out and away from the others. Next, she awakens Kite shushing and beckoning her like she had Vanta.

Pawsteps are light as she moves to the entrance of their den, turning to keep watch over her sisters’ progress and making sure the rest of their family does not wake up. As soon as Kite and Vanta join her, Andy gives them a wink and disappears out the door, leading them into the moonlit antechamber. But the purple pup does not stop there, instead continuing to move until the trio leave the network of cave system and spill out into the moon-kissed night. With a soft laugh, Andromeda bounds out into the huge open area, the nighttime in full swing and the harsh light of day far from them.

Once they are a safe distance away from the den and less likely to be overheard, Andy wheels about to face her sisters, saying, “I know the day light hurts your eyes so I figured we could have own time exploring and playing in the moonlight! Whatever you want to do, lets do. The night is ours! Let’s have fun!” A wide smile is on her lips and her tail wags happily behind her as she looks to her sisters, ready to make this night special for them.

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.