
will this help sleep come?

hanzino <3


"One With the Mountains"


Master Fighter (420)

Master Healer (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fitness Coach Fitness Coach

7 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Fail!1KDouble MasterCritical Attack!OverachieverSnake Eyes
09-14-2022, 06:00 AM

The mountainous woman did not expect the man's questioning and possibly accusatory question. When her steel blue eyes moved to glance over at him, she noticed how his pale brows shifted and lips pursed into a thin line. Perhaps she had been hoping he would be appreciative enough of her help that he wouldn't ask questions. Or wonder why or how she got the ingredients that she did. While it was true that down in this region it was more difficult to find the typical herbs that resided up north in the colder areas, it was not impossible. On her excursions that she took from time to time, she had been able to find a few dark, moist, and cool hiding spots that would be good for growing the herbs that she needed for her tea blends.

Taking a moment's pause while she sifted through what exactly to reveal to Hanzo, she took a few more laps from her tea. An even body, floral aroma, with just a sting of peppermint permeated her tongue as she digested her thoughts. It would not do good to spill everything to her Kaicho. He was a man of few words after all and did not care for the semantics and trivial pursuits of most. "Nightmares," her simple answer made her hold her gaze upon her cup of tea so he could not fully see how much the brim of her eyes moistened.

"I question often if I chose the right path," Tenshi's voice is quiet as she lifts her chin finally to turn her muzzle in Hanzo's direction. She could have brushed off his question with a flirtatious comment or playful note of 'having an excuse to see you,' but it wasn't the whole truth. Something about his silent presence and squinty gaze did bring some relief to her qualms, but there was always that part of her that questioned if she was doing the right thing. Blinking away the emotion to return to a stoic expression, Tenshi shrugged her shoulders before taking a few more laps of her tea.
