
sorry but i was running from an elephant

sort of intruding



Expert Healer (120)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

9 Years
09-14-2022, 03:33 PM
Eramaya of Valhalla

She’d been digging in her garden, pulling weeds and watering with the pottery water cannister held in her teeth by the handle when Lyr landed on the low stone wall Ardyn and her daughter had erected around the garden in the last week.

The raven’s message was brisk, and Eramaya nodded, setting the watering pot aside and ducking into the hut for her kit. She broke into a lope as the glowing black and white raven led the way.

She’d heard the commotion but hadn’t realized that there was someone involved. Ardyn hadn’t called for another elephant hunt, so she had no reason to expect to tend patients, but apparently, the commotion would bring her someone to tend.

Soon enough she slowed to a trot as she heard Ardyn’s voice ahead in the grasses. She stepped into full sight, taking quick note of the surroundings and then her patient-to-be. A yearling of vibrant shades of blue.

Ardyn introduced her and stepped aside; on call in case she needed him.

She came to stand alongside the boy, offering reassurance in a smile as she asked, “Can you tell me where all you hurt? When does it hurt most? When you breathe or move?”

Her accented voice was low and soothing, though her look told him to set aside any ego or pride he might have and be honest. She knew youth; they could be stubborn about admitting they were in pain, especially in front of an older wolf, or strangers. But the boy’s wellbeing was in her paws, and she needed all the honesty he had so she could do her job well.

She set aside the pouch with her kit, flipping the lid open to leave her supplies and tools within easy reach, as she ran a paw gently over every inch of the boy once she got his consent, firm enough to get a read on his reaction, but gently enough not to cause him undue pain.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think

Art by NightofRavens