
Valtas Land Claim Party



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
Extra large

OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-15-2022, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2022, 08:27 PM by Kotori. Edited 2 times in total.)
Party time!

The new established pack Valta is celebrating the success in their claim of land and establishing of the pack.  Please come and join in the party.  The party will start on September 30th.  

What happens at this party?

There will be plenty of drinks.  Please – live it up.   As well as plenty of good food.

Games!  Of course!  These will start in the morning, promptly after the sun is above the horizon.
(These are for fun.. I'll just roll 50-sided die.  If under 1yr will roll a 40-sided die for all but the champions spar contest.  see below)
Game 1: Fight the water?  Hop in those rapids.  Don’t worry there will be a safety net and markets set up where it is relatively safe.  This race is simply how long can you last before the waves push you into the safety net.

Game 2 (for kids) Toy shipbuilding – find some supplies in the area.  Take the afternoon to imagine and create your boat.  Everyone puts the boat in the water at the same time and sees which one manages to brave the rapids the farthest distance

Game 3: Champions! Are you ready?  Each pack chooses one champion to represent its pack.  These wolves will fight to prove which pack is the strongest.

Game 4: Drinking contest!  Who can hold the booze the longest?

Additionally: Please feel free to gamble amongst yourselves on who will win.  These are bets for the individuals to sort out together and have fun with it!  Bet with IC items of meat/furs or hey maybe some gems back and forth if you want to try your luck. (I am not responsible for any losses that occur – do not risk what you don’t want to lose)

1: everyone who can behave themselves is welcome.  Try to start drama, harm guests on Valta territory, or just piss off the Sumatar and you will be thrown out.

Note: Pirates are incapable of behaving themselves.  They cannot come.

2: if you have to spill the blood of another then you two need to leave the pack territory to resolve it.  Don’t wreck the party.  (the fight competition clearly is an exception)


Only one character per player in each game.  So you can compete with 3 characters but not in the same event.

If you decide to break IC rules you can expect consequences of course.  Don’t be upset at them.

Threads that are competitions are strictly for competition.  Don’t kill the spirit of fun for everyone.

Original Shard Chibi’s will be awarded winners for ooc prizes!
IC’ly will win prizes but not ones of monetary value – so imagine bottles of alcohol or furs or such (TBD)

(If you have any questions that I didn't think to answer please ask!)

**If Entering a contest please respond stating which character per contest**
**Pack alpha's need to post to state who they will take the roll of champion in the spar**
[Image: HMmbDEu.png]