
not here for mere ferns

Healing Aw



Advanced Fighter (90)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KThe Ooze Participant
09-15-2022, 10:25 PM

The beeswax slowly melted, and Acacius' gaze was pulled from staring intently at it to blink at his friend at her words. She was worried she would wake Pocus up? Darting his head over his shoulder to glance at his ethereal companion (where he should be sleeping) and back at her, Acacius was rendered speechless. His ears slicked backwards, emotion wavering his voice as he gave her a thankful smile and a soft reply. "No, it won't wake him." The yearling promised. He hesitated, gaze dropping down to his paws briefly as he worked over the words. "Nobody has ever really cared to ask before." It wasn't fair that this friend he'd made was not a loner like him, but a princess born to a pack he'd likely never meet. Would he ever see Seere again, after the lesson was over? Glancing back at his beeswax, he hoped it would never finish melting.

As if reading his mind, Seere made an offer to one day come see the lands in question. Acacius fell into thoughtful silence, struggling with the princess' offer. He was a loner, a bit of a weirdo. Would her parents even want her to associate with someone like him? Side-eyeing her shyly, he nodded his head. "I think I'd like that... but I don't know how to swim." Acacius had seen plenty an island on the western coast of Boreas, all of them consisting of a decent swim from mainland to isle. How could he go see the doves with her if he couldn't make it across the sea?

The porcupine interrupted his thought process, Poke's quills rattling together to draw the yearlings' attentions as the beeswax was thoroughly melted. "You must pay attention else it will burn." She counselled. "Now that it's melted, it's time to take it off the heat and mix the crushed herbs into it. Mix thoroughly, when it cools the concoction will be your salve and you want the herb to be spread throughout it all." Acacius ducked his head as he was chastised, reaching forward to pull the container from the heat and placing it between his paws for an easy reach. Scooping a portion of the crushed and cut wintergreen, he began to slowly sprinkle it into the wax - taking breaks to stir it to ensure it was spread evenly, as directed. He knew that it was supposed to take all of his concentration, but it was hard to focus on the craft when his time with Seere was inevitably ending.

(3/3 Healing Lesson +15)
(3/3 Crafted an item related to healing +15)

Acacius has saber fangs, which may not be visible on all his art.
In the likely event you witness this character speaking to open air, he is speaking to his imaginary friend, Pocus.
Two porcupines follow Acacius everywhere he goes, their names are Prick(M) and Poke(F).