
Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear

Akuma Predator Fight!



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod
09-16-2022, 10:53 PM
Everyone was moving around, stirring the young boy awake. Pale gaze opens to spy Enki slipping out of the den, though his other siblings were a little lazier and they just rolled off to the side and did what lazy, tired little pups did when woken up too early. Akuma yawned, putting his paw over his nose and squeezing his eyes shut in a vain attempt to get back to sleep but after a few minutes he had given up. He yawned again, shaking out his fur before getting up to go explore a bit of the pack lands. Might as well if he couldn't get back to sleep, right? The pale boy sat outside of the den for a minute, stretching out his legs and waking himself up a little more before tackling the day head-on.

Enki wasn't out here, which meant his brother had already beaten him in getting the day started. Oh well, he'd catch up. It's not like they were really allowed to go very far right now, but eventually, they would, and when the doors opened up, there would be no stopping him! With a grin on his face at the thought, Akuma half-followed Enki's trail but wasn't intentionally trying to follow him. Many scents and sounds hit him, distracting him and making him want to find the source of each one, but there was one in particular that caught his attention almost immediately after a few minutes of walking and it sent his hackles rising.

"Enki!?" His brother sounded...different. Like he was in trouble or something. Like something was...well...he wasn't sure...being the bold kid he was, Akuma headed straight for the source, hackles on end and his gait stiff as he sought to find what was going on. The little nub that had been protruding from his forehead had a sharp point to it, talons digging into the earth as he ran across it. Pale gaze spotted something...a wolf? Dropping Enki on the ground. Confusion settled into the boy. That wolf looked different...and it didn't really smell like a wolf, either. Enki had gotten up to face off against the thin creature, and Akuma realized that the fearful yelps he heard from his brother meant that this wasn't a friend or a packmate, but an enemy!

With a growl, Akuma ran full speed at the coyote's haunch, zeroing in on his target as he sought to jab the point of his growing crystal horn straight into the coyote's thigh while his forepaws reached out to wrap around and cling onto the coyote's left hind leg like an angry cat looking to kick the shit out of its target.
Akuma's crystal horn has emerged and is about 6" long! It's sharp and jagged, and if you annoy him enough, he has no qualms about jabbing you with it c: