
i've got a jar of dirt

collecting fertile soil for crafting something unrelated to other skills


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
09-17-2022, 10:48 AM

The pair of wolves that had moments before been locked in sudden combat were now both still and breathing hard to regain their lost breaths. Stolas chest heaved as his breathing slowly returned to a normal rate, holding Widow's silver eyes with his own darker gray ones while he watched the recognition begin to dawn in her expression and the snarl on her face begin to die away. She scrutinized his features, likely to determine if she really knew him, and when she did, he felt her body relax beneath his paws, the fight slipping away from her. It was only when he felt her go completely lax that he loosened his paw on Widow's chest, no longer holding her down to the ground since he knew she wouldn't attack him. She still glared at him and declared him the aggressor in this situation, but made no move to turn to violence again, so Stolas took that as a positive sign.

"You asked for it. I just finished it," the Abraxas lordling retorted with a wry scoff, pointing out that it was her who demanded he come out to her. He met her glare with one of his own, though his pointed gaze was clearly meant to tease her. "I'm sorry though, I didn't recognize your voice. You've, um..." Stolas' words drifted off as graphite eyes shifted slowly down from her youthful face to her barrel, looking over her adolescent form beneath him as best as he could in the low light. Widow had definitely matured a lot since he'd seen her last as a lanky puppy! "...grown up a lot since the carnival."

"Stolas Abraxas-Destruction"