
some peace of mind


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
09-18-2022, 03:04 AM

The warmth of summer has reached the icy grip of the northern lands, tempering the cold into a much more mild, chill. However, for the tropical born Keahi, the north will never be warm enough for her to walk around with the warmth of her polar bear armor. It has practically become a second skin for the red wolf, the plush fur lining acting as another coat for her own, too thin one. The added bonus of it being armor helps her in her travels as one of the Armada’s diplomats and that, along with the dagger in the special scabbard Ruga had made her, helps to keep her safe.

Today, the tropical wolf has decided to stay close to Armada lands, using this as an opportunity to familiarize herself even more with the neighboring lands. The massive red wood trees that grow in this place dwarf even the biggest predators and Keahi can’t help but be humbled next to them. A collection of moss and fallen leaves carpet the ground under the dark canopy, muffling her pawsteps and making this forest seem eerily dark and uninhabited. However, the red woman knows that this not true since there are signs of prey animals scattered about.

Ocean blue eyes scan the area in front of her and the tropical wolf sees something that has her stopping dead in her tracks. Keahi holds her breath as she tries to determine what she just saw. It seemed to be a ghost, a wolf pale as death and striped in blood had edged around behind one of the massive tree trunks, disappearing completely from her field of view. It had appeared to have some strange contraption around its eyes and bags on its paws! As the red wolf stands absolutely still, pondering what evil apparition she has found, a voice reaches her ears… and she realizes that the ghost is counting.

Dazed, the red woman stands there for a moment before gathering her wits enough to scent the air. If this is truly a spirit, there will be nothing but the smells of the forest and Keahi will flee back to the col as fast as she can. However, this is not the case as a familiar scent reaches her, telling her that this is not a spirit but an Armada wolf! Relief floods her as the tropical wolf steps forward once more, allowing the panic to stay behind as she releases a gentle bark of greeting to the stranger that is on the other side of the trunk.

Moving closer, the tropical wolf says, “Hello there! You gave me fright, pale one. For a moment, I thought you were a ghost.” A soft chuckle is offered as Keahi rounds the trunk to come into the stranger’s view, offering the young wolf a gentle smile as she appears.

"Keahi Mogotsi"