
To follow in the pawprints of the ones before me


09-18-2022, 03:16 PM

Though Ngurulivu was fighting hard it would not be enough. She struggled against Tyto but the moment his companion came in, sweeping at her back legs, attempting to compromise her balance, she knew she was about to lose it. Unlike the man she fought now she didn’t have a land-based companion to aid her in battle. Ruu grunted, feeling her legs give, and she started to go down as Tyto swept his foreleg out to hook under her and drag her down. She hit the ground with an unceremonious “oof” and let out a grunt as she looked up at him. Well, this spar was over, and it seemed he was the victor.

“Ugh, good job. Looks like you guys got me.” The femme said as she tried to get her footing once more. She slowly got her paws straightened. “You guys work pretty well together, you know? It’s good to see.” It was pretty obvious she was going to have to continue working on that with Splatter, not that she minded that. It was a learning experience for both of them.

“Well, now that you’ve bested me in a spar, got any big plans for the rest of your day? Going to stick around the battlefield and challenge more folks, or is there something else on the agenda?”

"Talk, 'Think.'