
Bellaroche Pups

[Final Litter]



Easter 2022Toys for Tots
09-19-2022, 01:11 AM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2022, 12:30 AM by Shard. Edited 1 time in total.)
Name: Corbin
Nicknames: Cor / Ben
Gender: male
Alignment: lawful good
[Image: LHwtyU7.png]
The boy's coat is a variety of dark hues.  Along the neck and sides of his face, it's clearly black, as well as the front legs.  A lot of the body is more of a near-black like the night sky or a ravens wing.  Vivid yellowish-orange, like the shine of the morning sun, splashes of color are marked along points of the body.  The vibrant color frames his cheeks, under the eyes, hinted on the back of his rear legs, chest, and the end of his tail.  His gait is generally with some bounce to his step, the skip of one who is not weighed down by troubled pasts and sees bright futures ahead.

Like a feather floating on the wind or the specks of filtered light through shadows is the mind of the young pup.  Is that a hill nearby or a giant mountain that is sure to have an amazing treasure at the top?  He will likely go on grand adventures before he even leaves the land they are born on.

Don’t be surprised if he has some wild adventures to share later.  Sure, they may be embellished a bit but these aren’t lies to try and trick or cause anyone harm.  He wants to make his audience smile or laugh or dream the dreams as he does.  

He isn’t the sort to plan to sneak away to have fun for instance.  He’d most definitely say no if someone tried to lure him into not following the rules!  However, if he spotted something amazing a short way off he might forget to pay attention to a boundary line.  His mind would already be busy coming up with the ‘what is’ and ‘what if’ questions.  

He's also perfectly honest.  Corner him on a wrongdoing and he’ll fess up to it.  He might even report what he did wrong before being quizzed.  The young man has a conscience and desires to do right but that’s a whole lot harder as a child.  With parents and siblings, he might try snuggling his way to forgiveness.

Purchases Needed: odd-colored markings for his yellow/orange
Plots and Plans: I imagine him trying to cheer mom up when she's depressed with some pretty big stories.  The sort that are clearly made up tales.  
Will you follow Foi?:I'm gonna go with a definite maybe?  I'd like to follow his train of thought on it ic'ly.  Decent odds with his imagination it'd be natural to believe in a religion
Additional Information:
Sweet kid.  big heart.  has been known to act before thinking.  dreamer