
Earn the nest

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-19-2022, 02:03 AM

Calico Jack lets his small body lay on top of Nico, effectively pinning him, until the coyote pup admits defeat. Then, as the black and white pup waves a paw at him, Cal nimbly springs to his paws and moves away from Nico, allowing the defeated party to stand. Together, the pair return to the nest and, like a dutiful student, Jack settles in to listen. Wide, excited eyes look to the nest as the coyote pup begins, nodding along while cataloging the information away in his mind. Mouth rounds in a reverent “O” truly amazed that birds could build such a thing!

Next, Nico talks of the egg and Cal scoots a tiny bit closer so that he can lay his eyes on said egg. Head tilts in curiosity as his friend speaks of the gooey stuff inside and how baby birds are in there which has the pup’s dark brows furrowing in question. Why are baby birds in there? Are pups born like this too? Questions swirl inside the patchwork pup’s mind but he bites them down in favor of lifting a small paw to tap lightly on the shelled meal. Hmm. It seems like his friend really likes these egg things and he has no clue what they taste like.

Icy gaze moves to the two long, jet black feathers that stick up from the nest and an idea forms. Tapping the egg carefully, Jack thoughtful hums before turning his gaze back to his friend and offers him a grin. After a moment, Cal rolls the egg toward Nico, casually saying, “You know, I’ve never had one of these but it seems like you really like them. You fought well today, Nico. Here take the egg, but I really want those feathers!” Paw leaves the treat in the nest for Nico while moving to deftly snatch up the two raven feathers.

Gently holding them in his paw, Calico Jack, slowly tilts his paw to watch the way the feathers glimmer in the sunlight. It looks like an oil slick and Cal is completely taken with them. Looking to the wise Nico, Jack says, “Hey, you think I can make these into something? Maybe to wear when I go into battle?” Eagerly the pup waits to see what his friend thinks.

"Calico Jack"