
tug o' war!



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
09-19-2022, 04:35 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2022, 04:38 PM by Rexx. Edited 1 time in total.)

Each of the kiddos were doing their damn hardest to gain purchase on their portion of the rope, to tug onto it and wait for that victorious tug that would surely bring one of them the prize of their own. And the other two in the dust..or sand. Same difference, right? Not that the burly boy himself cared for the rope - it was old, antiquated really, the long stale taste of it merged with the sea's saltiness on his tongue as he continued tugging outward, almost aiming to making a triangle formation of the trio. He didn't care for the rope, at all - in the end, the game was the thrill of it, the fun of it. It was all that really mattered to him, and though not quite what you'd call nostalgic, it was certainly a time that'd replay in his head should he ever need to revisit the feelings of excitement, adrenaline, and pure happiness.

His own rumble of a play growl climbed up from the depths of his throat, echoing his brother as he saw him lean back into a playbow, forcefully leaning the rope towards him. No, that wouldn't do. Rexx smirked through the soaked tendrils of worn rope, eyes lit with mischief as he braced himself against the red boy's sudden and fierce tug, planting his muscular forelegs into the sand and holding his ground. His neck was getting a bit sore from all the, well, tugging. Not that he cared, though! This was the best tug of war he'd ever played - the first one, actually. And it was every bit as fun as he'd hoped. Rexx chuckled, hoping to outdo them both with a move of his own that'd be somewhat unexpected. He raised his head slightly upwards, aiming to create tension in the rope and jerking it upwards and to the right. If successful - who knows? The rope could fall from one of the other boy's maws, or they'd lose their balances. Either way, he was determined to win.

Rexx vs Scald vs Ajax for Melee
Round 2/2
Age: Under 1 year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Mutation 1: Tusks - Offensive
Mutation 2: Crystal Spine Spikes - Defensive
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Intermediate Navigator