
T-t-t-t-t-tasty, tasty



09-19-2022, 06:47 PM

Or perhaps someone would. Strangely enough, the sound of someone creeping through the grasses caught her attention and Ngurulivu turned her head towards the stranger that had arrived. A maned wolf, a female, had joined her, asking if she might be hunting, and offered her assistance if she would be able to fill her belly afterward. Ngurulivu gave a good-natured smile at this. “I am indeed. I would never ask someone to help without the chance to eat their fill and take a little with them too. There is plenty of meat on a prey animal, even if I do like to bring some back to my brother from time to time.” Not that she had to, but it gave Florian the occasional treat of a different beast to try.

“So let’s try this. I’m going to have you flank around her and try to chase her this way. Then, once you get her running I’ll come at her from the front and try going for the throat.” It made sense to her. She was a bit bigger overall, with more weight to throw around, and she didn’t want to risk the stranger; getting potentially trampled by a pronghorn probably wouldn’t be the best part of her day. Besides, if the other woman could slow the beast down at all that would make Ngurulivu’s job even easier.

“I’m Ngurulivu Ancora-Desresoiers, by the way. Call me Nuru, though. Shall we get started… uh…?” Hopefully the other woman would introduce herself.

"Talk, 'Think.'