
You're an interesting one, aren't you?




7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
09-19-2022, 06:47 PM

The grasses of this territory were tall, almost reaching over his head. It made traversing the area a bit on the difficult side but after he’d found this clearing and the patch of herbs that was growing in the area. The patch had some motherwort and yarrow most noticeably, and given that his mate was pregnant, due to give birth around the middle of the season, the winged male wanted to harvest some of the motherworts particularly to help her with it. Bellamy was a strong and capable woman, even now wandering the lands of Boreas to get a feel for where they might be able to make a home… and he had little doubt she would fight for a home for them. He had to do what he could to be prepared for her return. Not that he could be gone all that long… with Menagerie falling he still needed to care for Saga. Currently, his companions were home with her but, given their size, they could only do so much.

He had managed to dig up a good bit of the motherwort and had moved the herbs to his bag before taking a break. He was breathing a bit hard, having had to work a bit harder to sort through the herbs to get the motherwort out. It would be worth it though if it helped his mate at all. Gavroche sat back, catching his breath when the sound of someone approaching caught his attention. His ear flicked in the direction of the stranger and his head followed suit a moment later to gaze upon a purple-furred woman who looked as though she had been plucked from the galaxies above themselves. Spiked ridged mutations grew from her skull as well, a unique feature that Gavroche couldn’t help but notice.

“Oh uh, hello…” She seemed to be intrigued by him, something that Gavroche was still getting used to after all these years. At least in Boreas folks were either fascinated with his wings or weren’t bothered by them at all. “It’s nice to meet you, Manea. My name is Gavroche.” He let out a soft chuckle as he continued. “I wouldn’t get too excited about meeting me, though. I might look unique, especially being one of only two wolves I know with wings, but I’m afraid they are not suitable for flight. I believe that even with a lighter build a wolf is simply too heavy to achieve it, unfortunately.” Gavroche shifted a little, stretching out his wings some before letting them settle back into place on his back.

“If I might be so bold to ask, miss Manea, what brings you out to the thicket?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'