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vanta / kite



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-19-2022, 08:42 PM

Kite was on the defensive. Following cautiously after Azure, and expecting to find that this was a trap. She stuck close to Vanta, ready at a moment's notice to protect her sister if Azure turned on them. Her previous fight with the pseudo-Warlord taught her that she was a long, long way of defeating him. But she could buy Vanta time, if she needed it. Perhaps it was strange for one so young to be so distrustful, but she vividly remembered the way Azure had hauled her like a sack of meat, and thrown her by the firepit.

When they finally arrived, and Azure laid out the objective, she bared her teeth at him. His words were laden with insults and she felt this nearly overwhelming desire to launch herself at him. No one else in the entirety of her short life pissed her off as much as he did. Everything he said, every expression he bore wore down her patience. His task was stupid. They didn’t know what they were hunting, and she’d had no lessons prior to this one, but dammit if she was going to admit that to him, or let him show her up. “Get out of my way, and I’ll get your stupid animal. I guess you're too good to hunt for yourself.” She said, reaching down and grabbing some stakes. “Vanta?” she said, softening her voice as she turned to her sister and moved to hand her a bundle.
