
The World Is Crashing Down Around Our Ears



"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
09-19-2022, 09:47 PM

Keahi had been out gathering information for the Armada when Menagerie had fallen. Word had not reached her ears until the moment the red wolf’s paws step back into her pack’s lands. The news causes sadness, worry, fear, and grief to roll through her and, the fact that Wren had gone missing, only deepens her worry. They say there was blood and signs of a struggle which has the red woman pondering who could have done such a thing.

Only having just returned to the Armada, Keahi is faced with multiple choices. Part of her wants to go find Mercury and share in his grief and another part wants to go and find Wren. However, it has been three days since Wren disappeared and she wonders if she is already too late to help. Indecision wars inside the red woman but, luckily, a bird helps to make the decision for her.

Solar, Mercury’s cormorant companion appears through the trees of the forest that the Armada holds, swooping down to Keahi and relaying how Mercury is doing. Armed with this new information, the red wolf quickly returns to the col to gather supplies, hastily stuffing food, water, healing supplies, and bandages into an old leather bag she found. Throwing the bag over her shoulder, she nods to Solar to lead the way and the pair race away.

Red paws thunder over the ground as she chases after the cormorant, nimbly leaping over roots and anything that stands in her way. They fly with the speed of worried friends, racing against the wind as they go. When her paws touch the land of the sparse pines, a former land of Menagerie, the scent of blood hits her nostrils and it feels as if like someone has slapped her across the face. Keahi knows whose blood lingers on the breeze and, while it is not a lot, her worry only doubles.

Leaping over a rock, ocean blue eyes spy bloody paw prints marring the landscape and Keahi curses to herself. Legs churn and soon, a lone figure appears on the horizon. As soon as she is within earshot, the red woman shouts, “Mercury!” Pain, sadness, and worry lace the word and she pushes her body to go a little faster. Soon she is nearing him and all she wants to do is envelope the tall man in a hug.

He walks away from her and she traces the lines of exhaustion in his frame, the weary way his body sags slightly with each step and she calls out once more, “Mercury?” Tears sting her eyes, forcing Keahi to blink them back as she comes up alongside him. It hurts to see him so lost, so broken but the red woman knows that she will take care him… even if he won’t let her.

"Keahi Mogotsi"