
Into the woods we go

Fight seasonal



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (135)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-19-2022, 10:13 PM
Kite was very excited to explore the woods for the first time. She had special permission from their father to explore it in the night. So that she and Vanta could really appreciate it. They had Bast and Marshal with them, as well as Lioness of course. Her blindfold was pushed up to her ears as they crossed into the territory. Her eyes wide and curious as she took in the sights and scents. With summer starting, everything was alive and bright with colours that they could make out in the starlight.

As she stood beneath a towering oak, a leaf fell free and drifted down in front of her nose. She giggled and snatched it. Missing her attack so it landed on the ground in front of her. Reaching down to grab it, she turned to show it to Vanta, giggling some more. Feeling free and excited. It was clear that the both of them much preferred the night. Here they were, no adults, no Azure. Just her sister and their fathers companions. “What should we do first, Vanta?” She asked, turning to look at her crystal eyed sister. She wondered if there was anything in particular their sister wanted to do first. She knew one of their Uncles who had left the pack before they were born had built a treehouse somewhere in these woods. Should they see if they could find it?

WC: 237
