
Lab Protocol


10-13-2013, 09:02 PM

The boy was surprised by the swiftness at which his king hat come to his call. Surely he did not think that their training lessons were that important that he had to run to them? Even though Crucible did not think that the king should worry himself so much over his training, he noted that the haste in which his king appeared made him feel special. The boy nodded at the apology, though he didn't really think the king needed to apologize. As far as discussion, he still had not gotten to talk to his king about Glaciem, though he thought King Maverick would have sought him out for such information. Perhaps that fellow Dragon had all that the king needed. It was not as if he had too much information anyway. He had been excessively young and not on the inside of things to know as much as the king would probably have liked.

"There is no need to apologize. I understand that you are busy." Crucible sat down and curled his tail around his feet. "Truthfully I had just called to see if we could start training, but whatever you would like to ask of me I will be willing to answer. I know you were curious about my past at the meeting." The young boy was anxious to begin learning his future discipline for he wanted to be the best, and he knew that would only happen with time and dedication. If Maverick could teach him something, anything, just to start he could begin practicing...and practicing....and practicing... To say he was a little obsessive would be an understatement when it came to his future. Besides it may give him something to take his mind off of Kamala and her early morning talks.