
Into the woods we go

Fight seasonal


"In Light, Justice; In Shadow, Vengeance"


Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

2 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverSamhain 20221K
09-20-2022, 03:22 PM

Like her sister, Vanta felt much more at home in the night then she could ever in the day. Even with the way the caverns shielded her from the sun, they could never compare to walking beneath the moonlit trees and open sky. The stars were beautiful - or what little of them she could see from the hanging canopy were - and the way the leaves softened the light gave an air of mystery to the territory. Absently she wondered if all pups were allowed out after dark to explore, or if it was just a small positive Vanta and Kite could enjoy for their disability. Surely most parents preferred their young to be out during the day where predators were fewer and more warriors frequently roamed.

Kite's soft voice broke the heavy silence, scaring away an owl who had perched up above to observe. Vanta tracked the fluttering of it's wings through the gnarled branches up into the leaves where she could see it no longer, crystalline eyes wide and adoring. "I want to climb." She offered in reply, turning her grin to her sister. "Do you think we'd get in trouble? I bet there's so much cool stuff up there to see - and dad only said we can't climb the mountain, nothing about the trees." The territory here had a unique draw to it different then any other woods, gnarled branches held high and low, some at gentle slopes and almost all of them wide enough to hold the weight of curious paws. The vertical space in the woods was as large if not larger as the expansive borders and Vanta wanted to see it all.  

Total Word Count: 515/1500
