
Lets Play Doctor




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
09-21-2022, 05:23 PM

Ciná still had a hard time focusing on the words Tira was saying to him as she thanked him with a bit of confusion as he complimented her healing abilities. He was too out of it and unaware to notice how she was trying and failing to wriggle free of his grasp and instead his body instinctively held her a little tighter so she couldn't get away. With his thoughts muffled and quieted like they were it allowed his more baser instincts and desires rise more prominently to the surface and now that the worst of the pain had subsided there was only one thing he could really think of in that moment—regardless of whether it was actually wise or safe for him to be thinking about them in his current state. He just continued to nuzzle at her soft ears and his large paws squeezed around her sides with an odd mix of protectiveness and gratefulness that intermingled with the more straightforward lust and need that harkened back to the night they spent together.

His ears flicked a little when she mentioned how she wouldn't have just let him die. That poked through the intoxicated haze enough to actually resonate with him a bit. Had he really been that close to dying? He knew it was a really wound just from how much it hurt and how woozy he had gotten, but he couldn't really get a good look at it himself. Could he really have died because of his father's inability to control himself if Tira hadn't found him when she had? They were questions that he'd probably never have answers to now, but it did linger in the back of his mind even as Tira's voice pulled him back to the present again as she asked him to let go of her and tried to wiggle away again. This time he actually took notice of it, but he didn't loosen his hold right away. It felt too right to have her like this with him again. He hadn't been with anyone since then and he had missed this feeling a lot. It was crazy to him how just being with her one time had made such an impression on him, but right now he was far from willing to question it.

He quietly grumbled as a frown pulled across his lips, refusing to loosen his grip on her just yet. "But I just want to hold you for a bit," he muttered in response, nuzzling her cheek and wrapping her up against him with groggy affection. He wasn't sure if it was the blood loss or the drugs, or maybe some combination of both, that was making everything feel heavy and weighed down as if it would be impossible for him to stand, but right now all he really wanted to do was snuggle this tiny wolf-dog that had seemingly saved his life and had made such an imprint on his life in their few encounters. "I was looking for you," he admitted quietly as his eyes closed and he just held her for a bit, breathing in her scent and letting it tickle some part of his brain that was trying to overcome the exhaustion and heaviness he felt to allow him to be tempted by his other desires. "That's why I went to Boreas... I didn't know why you left that night and I wanted to see you again." At this point he didn't really know what he was saying or why the words were falling from his lips, but he couldn't really stop them either and now it was too late to take them back.
