
Morning sunlight

Open to pups



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-22-2022, 10:48 PM

At hearing he would be shown the borders after the hunt Charlie’s ears perked. He would be allowed to be in the woods now too, though he’d be watched. He didn’t mind that so much. He just wanted to explore more of the Armada’s lands! They were slowly being allowed in more and more places and excitement flooded through the pup. He could hardly wait!

The lesson would continue, however, and his father would explain what he was smelling right now was the oaks themselves and the smell of the earth, a scent that would start to shift as the seasons changed. Charlie gave a small nod. His dad also said that hunting a bird would be a difficult first prey, but Charlie was determined that if his father gave him the chance to do so he would get one. He had to! His gaze remained focused on the older wolf as he spoke, giving instruction on how to move, and how to stalk. He lifted a paw, slowly moving it across the earth in front of him as his dad said.

His paw pad was sensitive. He tested this a little further, shifting how he stepped and moved even before he moved to circle around Sirius. As if testing himself, his balance, and how shifting his weight affected it. He moved slowly, starting without lowering to the ground as he started to circle, then, as he started to get a little more confident, lowered his body towards the earth and instinctively flicked his ears back. It wasn’t flawless, especially at first, but the longer Charlie moved and circled the better the pup seemed to be doing, picking up on what he was doing and making corrections as needed.

"Talk," 'Think.'