
Making Arrangements




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-25-2022, 12:28 PM

Manea waited patiently while Chimera considered her words and her proposal. She knew there had been a lot to say to bring him up to speed with the situation and to present her offer to him so she wouldn't rush him on a decision or even an opinion. She knew it was an unusual request, though the idea of an arranged marriage wasn't as foreign to her now after the union of Ikigai and Deimos. She saw the benefit of it beyond just ensuring the Mendacium lineage and Avacyn's honor to the rest of their family. Chimera spoke as much when he did finally speak, mentioning the alliance that would be formed by blood if this were to happen. A small smirk tugged at her lips to match Chimera's smile when he added how Fenmyre wasn't looked upon favorably by others. "I don't believe that Elysium is all that praised in the eyes of others either, but I know who I want my friends to be and as long as I am viewed positively by them then that is all that matters to me. From what I've heard you're quite popular with my other allies at the very least so I see no issues here." She was aware of the bonds already built between Fenmyre, Ashen, and Hallows so there would be no conflicts of interest if the alliance between them was formed. She already had far stronger allies than she had ever expected for herself so if a few other packs had issue with them then she couldn't be bothered to care.

She glanced toward one of his canine companions as Chimera spoke to the mastiff before bringing her gaze back to the Fenmyre King as he explained how he would need approval from the mother of his children and Albion himself before anything was officially arranged. Manea nodded in agreement, saying, "Of course. I would expect nothing less." There was a brief wait before Siren and Albion both appeared, being led by the dogs that had been sent after them. Neither of them spoke, but both wore a recognition when they saw her so at least introductions wouldn't need to be made. She knew Albion had come to Elysium's festival so he was a more familiar face than Siren's. She noticed Albion's attitude, the young man looking distinctly bothered by being here, though she got the sense that his anger wasn't directed toward her. It made her curious, but she wasn't here to meddle in their family's issues. She had an angry young man of her own back at home and she knew very well the difficulties of raising a head strong wolf. The thought made her smile a bit as she dipped her head in greeting to Siren and Albion both.

"Thank you both for allowing me to intrude on your day for a moment," she told them with a soft chuckle. She gave Chimera a small glance before deciding to go ahead and explain herself. "I'm here to make an offer to you, Albion, and to Scylla." Her attention was mostly on the massive young brute, but she gave plenty of attention to Siren as well. She understood how difficult it was to willingly give up one of their children and since she didn't know Siren or Chimera nearly as well as she knew Venom it would be a more difficult request than it had been when they were arranging Ikigai's marriage. "I intend to arrange marriages for my twins—Avacyn and Saracyn. Because of Avacyn's position as the heir to Elysium and to be the Matriarch of our family I think that it would benefit her to have a mate that comes from another strong, well established family and pack. Normally it is tradition in my family to travel and search out the most suitable mate, but with our family no longer being as nomadic as it once was, the responsibilities keeping them tied to the pack, and how close knit the two of them are I fear that they won't be able to or won't be willing to do that. That has prompted me to be more... hands on and creative when it comes to making sure that they are in strong relationships."

Manea focused a bit more directly on Albion now, giving him a soft smile. "I know Avacyn thinks very kindly of you after the time you spent together at the festival. She was very eager to tell me about how you helped her with that drunkard after the rest of us had retired for the evening. I know one evening doesn't make enough of a connection to base an entire relationship on, but you certainly left a good impression." Turning her gaze back to Chimera and Siren, she added, "I will not lie to you. My son is very... strong willed. I am not entirely certain he will go into this arrangement with Scylla without a bit of convincing. If we come to a tentative agreement here, I am willing to go back to Elysium to discuss this with him and Scylla both to make sure this is agreeable to them before we make any final plans. I'm not here to force any of our children into something that is going to make them miserable—I am just trying to find a middle ground that will benefit both of our families and our packs while letting our children live closely together as they seem to want to do."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny