
A Promise to Keep



11 Years
Athena I
10-14-2013, 12:13 AM

Alena smirked as Dempsey pressed himself up to her, draping a foreleg across her shoulders. She was glad her pups were occupied, giving her and Dempsey some space to talk and, well, enjoy each other. It had been quite sometime since Alena had gotten to have any personal time like this with anyone. She supposed the last time she had gotten any attention was when she and Bane had their little tryst.

She chuckled softly at his questioning if they slept through the night as of yet and she turned her violet gaze to look at him, a little grin coming to her lips at his second question. He was certainly eager, that was for sure. She was almost inclined to give in to his temptations and wondered what her chances of having her pups take their nap a little early was. She brushed her muzzle up along his chest and neck, giving his muzzle a soft lick as she answered, "They are very good about sleeping through the night. And even like to take naps occasionally. Let me just see if we're lucky today, hmm? Then I can help you out with that scratch." She gave him one last smirk before slipping out from under him and trotting over to her pups.

Alena gathered up all five of them, herding them back toward the den with protests from the whole group. "I know, I know, dears. But its nap time, okay? Go on, go to sleep." They filed into the den and she slipped in after them, giving each one a loving lick and making sure they all curled up together and were dozing off before she quietly slipped out to rejoin Dempsey.

She quietly padded over to him, a slight smirk on her muzzle. She gave his muzzle a lick before motioning toward the trees in the distance, a silent suggestion that they move away from the sleeping pups. She led him away, her tail waving gently from side to side. When they were a far enough away that she felt like they wouldn't bother them with any noise they made, but she could still keep an eye on the mouth of the den.

She knew that her sweet, innocent act was pretty much torn to shreds by this point, but she really couldn't bring herself to care. Her violet eyes found his platinum gaze again and she stepped closer to him, brushing the side of her muzzle against his. "So what was that you said about a scratch?"
