
Preparations, Preparations.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 12:19 AM

The one in the shadows revealed himself. Erani?s ears pricked forward as she recognized him. ?Satchel?? She never forgot names, even from short meetings. But Luna?s Teeth, what had happened to the fellow? He shook, and his pristine fur was caked with blood from wounds. And he seemed slightly confused, as frown pulling at his muzzle as he looked at her. A moment later, he divulged the contents of his stomach. She didn?t wince, nor did she show any signs of disgust. As a healer, she?d seen worse.

She stepped forward, as he began to slip to the ground, examining the male?s wounds as she acknowledged his words with a nod. She recognized the wounds now. Claw marks of a cougar. A good sized one. She?d treated this before, back in Ciroc. She took a light sniff of the injuries. The smell of infection that said he?d been injured in the last few days. Erani huffed softly, then looked over to the pile of plants that she?d dropped. Yarrow, which had braved the weather to grow a little longer. Good. She stepped away and picked it up, chewing slowly, letting her saliva pick up the juices as she returned to Satchel, nosing the gash on his side. His breathing suggested broken ribs, and she filed the note away for further reference as she began licking the gash, cleaning it of dirt and debris, until fresh blood met her tongue, and then she let the yarrow steeped saliva coat her tongue and applied it to the wound.

She repeated the treatment quietly, then glanced at the plants she?d gathered again. Ah. Alder, for the fever, and further cleaning. It would also stop the bleeding. She picked up another frond of Yarrow and settled it on a patch of clean snow. ?Eat that. It will settle your stomach.? Her voice was firm, but gentle, as she began her ministrations with the Alder bark, which she chewed carefully, not wanting to swallow the emetic juice and add her own stomach contents to the snow. She applied it in the same manner as the yarrow lick, ears cocked to listen to his breathing. She turned again and reared up on a willow, tearing at the bark until she reached the softer inner bark, clawing until there was a bit raised, and then she pulled that away with her teeth. Returning to her patient, she dropped it in front of him. ?This will get the minor pain, but this is as much as I can do here. You?ll have to walk once you feel strong enough. My den is a fair bit in.? She would call Chrysanthe once she got the wolf settled.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think