
I am the cry


10-14-2013, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 12:32 AM by Dexter.)
The galaxy dusted male could hear her coming, the wind blowing just enough of her scent around for him to know he was not alone. He felt her nearing and as he felt her, he knew he should worry, but he wasnt, maybe it was the thrill of knowing he had a chance to be threatened, but all he did was let her draw.

His eyes were open now, focused on the strip before him, he took a deep breath as the scent of femme rushed through his nostrils and he gave a small cock of his large head. You know, it's not real safe for you to just be waltzing up behind total stranger's... For all you know I could have been a monster... He smirked, turning his broad massive frame to face her, those bright surf tidal waves crashing down on her with such force, it could take her breath away if she willed it.

He looked at her, observing her features, the bold markings along her body, dancing in a way that one might label dangerous. Dexter sat before her now, looking down as he mulled over a response to her question. Asking about why he was here, I could ask you the same question... He responded, bearly a smirk on his jowls, though upon deep inspection, one was hardly twitching, Though I assume you are asking this with innocent intent I shall respond with an easy answer. Existing....

A moment hung between them where his emotionless eyes did not stray, the awkward silence, the tension that the brute often brought to one on one conversations was not absent in this one. Actually even more so here due to the fact that Dexter had been roaming for moons, alone, with nothing but the thoughts. The thoughts and the dreams. Offering her a wider smile this time he tilted his head down slightly in a friendly gesture, those baby blue's softened as he lifted his head back up, slightly tilted to the right, Now, this is where you tell me... He toyed playfully at her as a fake, near flirtatious tone snuck its way up his throat at the girl.