




Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
09-25-2022, 10:23 PM

After a few more silent seconds ticked by, he heard the bellowing and panic of the buffalo that clearly indicated that his nameless hunting partner was off on her duty to chase the calf away from its herd and he readied himself to do his part. Deimos kept an eye through the tall grass on the calf as it darted from side to side hopelessly for a moment, clearly more at a loss of what to do than its older, more experienced counter parts. Then the earthen hued woman came charging around the hill and the calf stumbled over itself to get away, playing right into their plan as it darted off as fast as it's clumsy, hoofed feet could cary it. He grinned and his muscles coiled as he waited till the last second, right as the calf drew close to him, and then he leapt up with more agility and dexterity than would probably be expected out of a brute his size.

With a snarl he hooked his bear-like paws around the adolescent buffalo's neck, his large, curved claws gripping deep into its skin to latch onto it while using his own weight to drag the animal to the ground. His jaws caught it around the throat, biting down with crushing force right as he wrestled it to the ground with a hard thud, shifting to keep himself on top of it to pin it down while he bit hard and deep into its throat. Crushing its windpipe, it was only a matter of moments before its movements started to slow until it finally fell still, continuing to hold on to his kill until he felt its breathing and heart beat fully stop. Releasing the hold he had on its throat and unhooking his claws from its hide, Deimos pulled himself back up to his paws with a deep chuckle, glancing back to the smaller woman that had helped him with a wide, bloodied grin. "Thanks for the assist. That was plenty of fun." Stepping over the carcass of their kill, he called back dismissively as he began to walk off, "Enjoy it! Share it with whoever it is you travel with!" He got what he wanted out of the deal and now he needed to get back home so he could enjoy this good mood it put him in with his new mate.

"Deimos Medacium"