


10-14-2013, 01:56 AM

Eyes would snap open as baby blue pearls dashed from left to right. In her sleep she had forgotten that she had been won by the Glaciems, and for a moment she thought she was in Valhalla tucked away inside her own den. But alas, she was here, imprisoned by the white ghost who had been so determined to have her. Now that she was his, what would he do with her now? Keep her as a slave, or allow her to move up in the ranks? Slave or not she was now a warrior of Glaciem, and if given the chance she would prove her worth. If she had to stay here why not make the best of it? Rather be a ranked wolf than spend all your time in a hole right? Her mind spun as she sat up, bringing herself into a sitting position. It was so odd being in Glaciem, things were so much colder up here. With a sigh she could continue looking around, allowing her mind to run wild.

Dad. Drake. Azalea. Chrysanthe. I will never see them again. The names of wolves who mattered to her flashed over and over in her mind. They had all made her promises, and yet here she was, stuck in a snowy wasteland. But hadn't that been the plan from the beginning? To lure the man into a hole he could not get out of? Her lips creased into a smirk as she rolled her eyes. She needed to talk to the ghost, she was his trophy now wasn't she? With a tip of her head she would call for him despite still being imprisoned in her den. She hoped he would hear her. They had some important things to discuss.