
Every Fire is a Lesson Learned



11 Years
10-14-2013, 02:25 AM
Tahlia had followed his signals with minimal fuss and hardly any questions, save one, which she closely breathed into his ear from where they lay next to the entrance. The answer to the question his Seracian mate asked had only one logical response Bane had an answer too. His teeth reached over to nibble one of her ears comfortingly as he informed in a hushed tone that only she could hear.?"A rogue, an outsider, a healer, one she may have had close by and one she didn't tell me about. And one who better watch what he does around my young. I've already seen the bloodied bodies of my pups before, and I will not see that sight again. My blood will be spilled before theirs, that I can guarantee. One who's interest should involve treading lightly." Bane had turned his head and growled out the last two words down at the rogue healer, paws finding purchase beneath him as the Seracian stood and blocked the entrance to the den. Just in time to see the healer touch his pups.

A haze of red clouded his mind as words were spat out at the rogue. "Don't. Touch." Bane growled then let out a stressed out sigh. "Your services are appreciated skinny one, but please, visual inspection only. It's been to long since my mate and pups died during birth while I was away. I'll remain outside should you need anything else, my few weeks as a rogue taught me well about herbs." He hated giving that reason, the memories still to clear to him as if they happened yesterday. Sapphire eyes continued to scan the surrounding bushes even as Bane lay down to guard the entrance from more outsiders responding to Alena's howl. One was enough.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•