
I wish I had a job to quit



2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-26-2022, 01:04 AM

The soft press of dainty paws on sodden mosses and chilly dirt kept him grounded as he moved deeper and deeper into the caverns, until the air was noticeably cool against his nose. It was always fascinating how quickly the temperature could shift while underground. One ear flicked backwards to track the approaching pawsteps of the curious youth that was joining him for his exploration, and thus he caught every iota of confusion and borderline indignation in his question. A musical laugh escaped him, and he paused to wait for him to catch up. The narrow miss of unsteady paws carrying the child dangerously close to one of his back legs didn't go unnoticed, though it was merely a sweeping of fur and cool air over the sensitive skin of his heels. "Whaddaya mean, what do I mean? My eyeballs are just decoration, is what I mean!" he announced with a wry grin, and kept on meandering into the depths. That musty, earthy smell was far stronger now. There had to be something going on up ahead, if not all around them by now.

The boy had a simple, succinct name. Scald. Burning hot. He nodded approvingly. "Raven." he said simply in response, and the stopped in his tracks to lift his head all the way up. Keen ears flickered in search of whatever sounds he could drink in down here, aided by the odd tipping and tilting of his head in different directions to try and catch the way the sounds changed or bounced around. "I know what I can hear, but what can you see down here? Is there anything cool?" he questioned in a hushed whisper, nostrils flaring to pull in more of that peaty aroma with its underlying sweetness. It was not totally unlike the smell of rot, but still.. not quite. Better to wait and find out what there was to see down here, he supposed.
