
Where The Black Sand Meets The Raging Sea


The Hallows

Beginner Healer (0)

Expert Fighter (125)

3 Years
Dire wolf

1KSamhain 2022
09-26-2022, 02:27 AM

After his mama had shown him how much fun it was to go swimming, he was eager to go back to the beach and play in the waves. Granted, he was probably supposed to make sure he brought a parent with him when he went, but that wasn't exactly part of his thought process. Instead, he ambled his way down to the water in the heat of the afternoon and stared out at the water. Time to splash!

He raced headlong into the surf and leaped as high as he could before he hit the waves. It felt like he was soaring, even if he didn't actually manage to make it that high. He crashed down into the water with paws outstretched and let out a squeal of delight when the sudden cold soaked into his fur. He was never gonna get sick of this! Soaked to the bone in freezing water, the chubby little pup raced along the shore and kept to the edges of the surf. Splashing sea foam every which way and giggling with delight, he absolutely did not notice that he wasn't alone until the very last second. Just in time to nearly bulldoze a bright orange fox that was foraging along the water's edge. He did manage to avoid a collision, but the poor thing was definitely not spared the onslaught of cold water that he was flinging about as he went.

Skidding to an awkward stop, he turned about to circle back. "I'm sorry!!" he barked, scampering over with ears back and checking to see how angry the strange fox was about the impromptu salt water bath.
