
Broken Dreams



10-14-2013, 03:06 AM

His heart would thump slowly as they came into contact. Just feeling her warmth mixing with his shot butterfly's into his stomach- bur despite his actions she still seemed distant. Why? Why wasn't she falling into his embrace, why wasn't she letting him in? Why was she keeping her walls up? It frustrated him, but he would not retaliate, and he would not complain. She had her reasons, and he would wait however long it took for her to come to him- only she never would. "He has to be alright, I don't know what I would do without my husband." He watched her eyes close, and as she finished her sentence he would feel his heart stop and drop. Husband? Who? Gideon? That was the only option, they hadn't mentioned others besides him, Maverick, and Epiphron. Now he felt completely shattered inside.

He wanted to do something but he couldn't. Here she was, the love of his life about to burst into tears and all he could think about was his shattered heart. It hurt, it burned, it made him want to rip his heart from his chest and walk away- only he couldn't. Despite his aching soul he would not abandon her in her time of need. He would never abandon her. If she loved Gideon then so be it, but he would never stop loving her. He would wait until it was his time, and if that never came in this life he would repeat over and over until he got to have her. He would follow her grace until her last days, and even then he would lay on her grave to stay with her. He may not know her as well as Gideon did, but he knew in his heart that he belonged to her. Maybe not as a mate in her eyes, but to him she would always be his lover, and he would protect her at all costs, even if it meant killing himself inside.

"Chrysanthe..." Words dripped from his lips broken and tattered, but he would do his best to hide his pain. He didn't want to make her feel worse, so he would bite his tongue despite the words threatening to come to the surface. He couldn't tell her how he felt, it would only ruin things more. Though his eyes would show more emotion than his words ever could. The way he looked at her was in a way he could never look at another. The love and defeat he felt inside shown bright in his dull expression, so perhaps she would see it all without words being spoken. Perhaps she would finally understand why he was truly here. "Chrysanthe I..." Words would cut off as he closed his mouth. He didn't need to say it. She would understand.