


10-14-2013, 03:41 AM

Before his voice would break the silence she could sense him coming. She could smell the blood that matted his pelt, it was odd that he hasn't bathed himself yet, but then again he probably wore the blood like a badge. That was his way of feeding his ego. Slowly she would rise to all fours, paws kissing the earth silently as she took a few steps toward the dens entrance- but then she stopped. Why go out into the cold when the ghost could be in here with her? "It's cold out there, why not come in here? I can smell the blood on you, perhaps we can fix that up?" She would call out to him, taking a few steps back as she made room for him to enter. The two of them would fit in here, but no more. Any more wolves and this place would be overly crowded. She would wait for him to enter, and if he were to allow it she would come forth, attempting to run herself along his bodice. She would stay clear of blood, though her tongue would slip between cracked lips as she would attempt to begin cleaning the crimson from his pelt. He was a king, so he needed to look like one,correct? He didn't need crimson tainting his flawless ivory coat. "Let your metal help you." She would say, hoping the man wouldn't retaliate. She had no intentions of doing so, so hopefully he would realize that and allow her to embrace him.