
No Fear *Joining*


10-14-2013, 04:09 AM

It wasn't uncommon for the red woman to leave her den and wander the boarders, especially now that her sister shared her den and the blind woman rarely left the tree. It was safe, no one would take her home and with that insecurity out a ease she found herself out doing things more. Most days she hunted seeing as she now supplied for both herself and Zara but on occasion the need to resume old duties arose and she found herself loping carelessly along the boarders. It was a great way to stay in shape and it gave her a sense of purpose again though she still was not technically a part of this pack. Taurig had been nice enough to allow her to remain in the pack lands while she sorted through her own life and issues but as of recently she had realized that maybe it wasn't so bad here... She was beginning to like Taurig, he had a good heart and he was a strong leader. Though she disliked his more peaceful nature more because it went against her life style she found it harder and harder to make herself hate him.

It seemed that at that exact moment that the red woman began approaching the Peggy brown fea who was running along the outside if their boarder. For a short time Vi kept herself hidden, almost hoping for the woman to trespass just so she could be punished but she did not. This newcomer skirted easily a fair distance from their marked boarders and after a while of following her quietly Vi broke into a lope and drew closer to the woman. She would bark, a sound meant to catch the woman's attention so Vi wouldn't have to catch up to her completely. Her usual smile wasn't in place, instead simple curiosity. "What brings you to the boarders of Tortuga dear?" As always she was straight to the point as she approached the woman, coming to stand before her should she stop or speeding up to run along with her should she continue her run.