
The Gift



"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-26-2022, 03:33 AM
Life around Elysium had grown tumultuous. Manea had brought some new boy toy back home with her from her trip to Fenmyre and was now in his company most of the day and all of the nights, Saracyn was waging his own little personal war with his mother over the arranged marriages Manea had attempted to set up for them, and Relm had gone back to being distant from him. For once, and shockingly so, Relm had been the least of his worries. Where he normally concerned himself over his paramour's wellbeing, he had gotten used to the ebb and flow of their relationship, of Relm's emotions wreacking havoc on her mental state and causing her to avoid him for some time while she sorted herself out. It was the norm for them, and right now his own personal life seemed to be burning down around him.

It was because of this that Alastor had taken to keeping to himself as well, no longer seeking out the company of others—especially not his wife—while he went about his daily life. Patrols, hunting, fishing, gathering supplies for the pack, working on some manual labor building guard posts around the lake... Every so often he'd catch glimpses of Relm, both of them exchanging looks from afar, then going about their own business, and he knew she was okay. Or at the very least still alive and healthy. He didn't notice anything different about her, and he trusted that if something was bothering her, she would come to him eventually. So on Alastor continued, going day by day, just staying alive. The demon wolf hadn't even realized it was coming on a year since his manic slaughter of Relm's sadistic father or the event that had set him and Relm on this course for their unorthodox love. It was no less significant to him for his lack of remembering though. Killing Kefka would always be one of his proudest moments, a time where he felt he'd actually done some good in the world.

Alastor had gotten so set in his new rhythms, that when Relm began to come back his way, it was a pleasant surprise to the dire brute. She'd started with simple gestures, walking closer to him when they passed by, a quick sideways glance and smirk, a brush of their fur when they got close... Relm was teasing him, toying with him, then acting coy when he'd shoot her an intrigued stare. He'd feel Relm's hungry argent gaze on his body when he was out patrolling or doing any sort of physical labor, and it was when he picked up on her heat scent during one pass that he realized why she was acting this way. Relm had said she'd never ask him to fuck her and love her, and in a way he supposed she still technically wasn't, even though her body was screaming at him to take her. Her body language asked him for it, her eyes asked him for it, every part of her asked except for her voice. That was fine; Alastor didn't need the verbal clues to know what his pink lover wanted and oh boy, was he going to give it to her!

Finishing up pulling some spruce logs Avacyn had asked him to gather for some of the guard posts around the lake territory, Alastor was satisfied his work had been completed. Then the dire brute wasted no time, turning and heading to Firefly Lake where he knew Relm had set up a den at. He was driven by an instinctive urge, a feral part of his brain triggered by Relm's delectable scent coaxing him onward. The giant wolf only stopped to give himself a quick dip in the lake to wash off the sweat and dirt from his coat, shaking it dry, then making haste to Relm's hideaway. Her scent was stronger here, the air thick with her pheromones calling out to him like a siren's song. Alastor didn't hesitate, didn't wait to call or announce his presence. The dire brute marched right into Relm's den and stood just inside the entrance, ravenous obsidian eyes instantly seeking out the pink fae with a primal, animalistic look in them. Relm's scent was even stronger inside, and every breath he took, Alastor could feel something inside him coming unraveled in the best possible ways. No words were uttered or spoken while he entered the den, seeking out his lover to give her what she needed and asked him for, and to see what she had in mind with all her earlier teasing.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.
