
Wash It Away




Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

3 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-26-2022, 04:48 AM

At first Rivin tried to pretend like she didn't care that Eden and Baelfire were missing. But the longer they were gone it was really starting to get under her skin. Rivin started to play less and less, scanning the beach for her mother and wayward brother. It bothered her. That possessive nature she had, just like her father, Ignis, demanded that she somehow find them and bring them home to where they belonged. She didn't have a name for that feeling yet… but she could feel it burning deep within her. She started to get more angry at their disappearance. They were supposed to be here! How could they not?

A loud huff escaped the girl's lips as she passed on the beach below the gulls. She had given up playing earlier that morning. She had tried but it was hard. Her paws led her across the sandy beach as she made her way back toward the den. She was feeling grumpy. She didn't want to think about what if her mother and Baelfire never came back. She didn't want to consider that possibility. Her tail lashed back and forth, green eyes lifting to see Ignis. She pouts at the sight of her father before rushing toward him, hoping to draw comfort from his presence.

"I want them home." Rivin's voice sounded less sad and more like a spoiled child who hadn't gotten what she wanted. "They're ours. They're supposed to be here with us." She didn't even realize what she was saying, the true weight of the words, but they were honestly spoken. She curled toward her father, curling into his leg miserably. Her ears were lowered, gaze downcast as she pressed fully against him. A fear, something she hadn't even realized had been at the forefront of her mind, slipped past her lips next. "I want them home… but don't disappear looking for them, daddy." Bitter tears started to sting her eyes. "We won't lose you too. Just because they wandered off." Her emotions were weird and overwhelming. She didn't like them at all.

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.