
Let it be



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 05:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 05:41 AM by Epiphron.)

There was still much to be learned about this northern pack, but it didn't stop her from feeling sick with worry almost every day. The possibility of her Valhallan family being threatened was worrying; she couldn't bear the thought of any of her family being wounded -- or worse. Erani and her children; the few that remained with her. Chrysanthe. Collision and Soleil and their children. Syrinx and Eos and whatever children they were rumored to have. Epiphron's own blue gaze watched the women curiously after she finished speaking.

'Try not to worry too much queen,' Riv assured her. It was hard not to -- but she wouldn't show her weakness outwardly, even if she dared speak of it. A nod was given, her tail flicking behind her. "I know that we will be fine," she said, nodding her head slowly. "I am not worried for Seracia, but rather for Valhalla. It is my birthpack; my sister rules and most of my remaining family resides there." Besides her husband and her children, and whoever else might be wandering out there; most of them had remained in Valhalla, as was expected of an Adravendi.

The Queen watched the fox with slight amusement as he offered a smile, watching as he curled onto Rivaxorus's back. "Loccian is a good woman," she agreed readily. Her loyalty was unquestionable, and never went unnoticed.

But the change of topic, to her daughter -- Arian -- was a bit surprising. Ears flicked as she listened. The markings had been a bit of a giveaway, but it wasn't something she'd felt inclined to dig up unless it was necessary. "Small world," she noted softly, a smile overtaking her features. Part of her had been worried that the woman would feel some kind of right to take Arian from her, and Epiphron would be damned if someone tried to pry her daughter from her family. But Riv seemed to have no ill intentions. "Well, she's certainly a lovely girl. Natsu did a good job raising her. And I am more than happy to have family in Seracia."