
The Blackened Water's Call



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
09-26-2022, 01:16 PM

The girl had gone from sitting okay with the disappearance of her mother and brother to, the longer they were gone, becoming more bothered by it. At first, she wasn’t worried, confident that her father would find them and bring them home. Then she felt almost like she had gotten used to it, though that was a lie. Now it had been even longer and she longed to see her mother and brother again, though how possible that would be was uncertain. The shell from her mother in the den had been shoved stubbornly to one corner. Rivin didn’t want to look at it, or the rest of her collection, anymore. Not that she knew why… but they made her feel sad. Upset. Daddy seemed to get more upset too, though he was trying to hide it. Rivin could tell that Ignis was bothered though. He wasn’t very good at hiding this info from them at all. But he was trying, and that was something that Rivin could appreciate.

Rather than focus on what she couldn’t change Rivin had decided to take a walk along the beach. She liked the sound of the water and smell of the ocean even if she wasn’t trying to rush into it to play. Part of her almost wished she would play in it more, maybe by acting out and doing something her mother had advised against she might be able to bring the woman home somehow… and hopefully with Baelfire in tow. She glanced toward the waves now, ears perking as she looked upon them with a thoughtful frown. The water was not good to drink, but it definitely seemed like it wouldn’t be too bad to play in. She’d only ever gotten close enough for the waves to lap at her heels once before, and now? She was curious if maybe the cool waves might be able to distract her thoughts, if only for a little while.

Padding to where the waves met the sand Rivin let her green eyes wander to the horizon. The water seemed to stretch on forever, and as it lapped at her heels she had to wonder what it was like where the water eventually did have an end. Everything had an end, right? Rivin took another step into the water and then hesitated. She could feel how, even as it brushed over her ankles onto her legs how there was a force behind the water. Something that threatened to drag him in if she moved in too deep. She lifted her head, spying one of her siblings walking along the water as well. Her ears perked forward. It was Aresenn. She hadn’t really spent much time with him it felt like… maybe he’d like to spend some time with her? At the very least they would be able to distract one another from their missing family members and fill the day.

Rivin started towards him, calling out to her sibling. “Hey Aresenn!” She had hoped to get his attention, though the sound of her splashing in the waves as she bounced toward him in the manner of a rabbit probably would draw it as well. “Want to do something together?” She asked as she got closer, her green gaze meeting his golden gaze.

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.