
Go in light



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

4 Years
09-26-2022, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2022, 07:29 PM by Silent. Edited 1 time in total.)
Life was not the easiest when it came to Silent. She had been on her own since puppyhood; the choice was not hers. She would not know what choice she’s make, had she been given the opportunity at that age. Back then, all she knew was that if she was hungry or tired, she had to eat and sleep. Cold or hot with the seasons, she would adapt as best she could.

Looking back over the last two years, Silent would reflect and feel grateful that Bronze was there. From their pup months to the first true year as adults, he was a never ending constant. No matter where she traveled, whose paths she crossed, her road always led back to him. Destiny and fate were fickle things, at times; Silent felt that Bronze was intertwined with both of hers.

When Bronze had mentioned visiting a pack that piqued his interest, he had asked if Silent would go with him. There had been no hesitation from her and the prospect of what may lay ahead encouraged her own curiosity. Silent was open-minded when it came to adventure. Whether the adventure was seeing unclaimed lands or finding a more permanent residence, Silent wanted to share it with Bronze. He was her only friend, resulting in him being completely trusted and adored.

Slender legs carried Silent forward as she followed a couple of steps behind Bronze. She was beside him, only back slightly so she would follow. Once he came to a stop at the borders, Silent’s green gaze met his blues before looking at what lay beyond. They were thick in scent and the property behind the lines looked quiet and unmoving. In the North, silence did not always mean nothing was there. She wondered if anyone was watching them approach from a hiding place.

Her ebony tail flicked behind her once as she took in a deep breath and looked up at Bronze. She gave him a warm smile and closed the space between them until she was right beside him. Her shoulder grazed his and she nudged his cheek with her nose. Whatever the future held, Silent would walk through it with Bronze without hesitating.