
Show Me The Future



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 06:13 AM

She wished she'd had more time to discuss more important matters when she had visited Valhalla last, when she'd been burdened with unborn children, but one of Collision and Soleil's newborns had been around, and such talk was not necessary for children so young. Epiphron knew that she might not see her brother for some time from now, and so she would make the most of the meeting while she could.

The embrace was broken too soon; she couldn't deny she longed to feel the touch of her brother once again. "We have four children," she started, grinning slightly. Even despite the rumors that were confirmed by the beast himself -- he had sired children with Eos. "Three by blood, born this past summer," she continued. "And one girl that we took in. Arian Elisabeth Adravendi-Mathias." A soft chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned to press her nose into Syrinx's shoulder. They held the Adravendi surname, but the Mathias one as well -- it truly did tie Seracia and Valhalla together, perhaps for eternity. A bound that would be nearly impossible to break. "As well as Cassius Leif, Amalia Jayne, and Quintus Nero." She wondered what his own children were like, and hoped desperately they would meet her own soon. It was important they recognize one another as family. "Chrysanthe told me about yours. I visited shortly after you arrived in Valhalla, but couldn't stay long." Erani had been intent on getting her back home before she went into labor.

So Syrinx had not just come to meet her family ... but also to ask a favor. What kind of favor could he possibly need? She would come to recline on her haunches, rather close to her brother, waiting for his question. "What do you need, Syrinx?" Hopefully Maverick would arrive soon.