
How Fickle my Heart



Advanced Navigator (70)

Advanced Healer (95)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
09-26-2022, 09:28 PM

The ambiance of the falls was something she had grown accustomed to. She was nearly deaf to its roar, only vaguely aware of its influence as the humidity lingered from the droplets and mist that materialized upon impact. The song and dance of a nymph was a lifestyle she had settled into quite easily and embraced. It was easy to ignore the outside world while tucked away in the little utopia she had happened on. Each passing inhale was touched by the dream-like sickly sweet scent that resonated from the area- something she had never experienced before. And even better yet, the crystalline pool fed an astoundingly beautiful array of flowers and herbs. It reminded her of home- or at least what home had been. Though she would leave that pain to deal with at a different time. As a nervous tick, she hummed a few notes of a tune that brought her comfort.

In the spontaneous spark to find something to occupy herself with, Kiliaen’s citrine orbs fell on a single sprig of pale pink flowers tucked away in an outcropping of mossy rock overhanging the pool’s surface. However, it was just too far away for her to properly identify. She had her suspicions but found herself seeking a closer look. Like a moth to a flame, she slowly began to close the distance. The auburn fae didn’t even bat an eye as the chill soaked her skin while wading out to her knees. Where the herb had rooted, it was far easier to reach it by approaching from the water’s edge. As she gingerly worked her way closer, she was able to confirm her suspicions. Marshmallow. Excellent to use in the case of a superficial wound. How delightful. Kiliaen pressed her nose among the blooms once she reached its spot. With a deep inhale, she was meant with an easily distinguished earthy, spicy scent. Definitely Marshmallow. After getting her fill, she withdrew to inspect its quality. Fortunately, it was seemingly in pretty good shape. There were only a couple of spots of damage that was easily removed. Removing them would allow the plant to continue to thrive. And, the damaged parts could still be of use. She only hoped she could do the same for herself.