
Twin Moons




Advanced Fighter (95)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
09-26-2022, 11:27 PM

It was obvious to a casual observer that he'd picked up many a trait from his mother, the most obvious at the moment was the propensity for thoughtful humming in place of thoughtless jumbles of words. Their gentle embrace was broken as his mother pulled away to look him in the eye and said that her father was a coward. Without thinking, the young man's features pinched in disdain, upper lip curling in an instinctive sneer. How unfortunate, how disappointing. He could hear the edge to her voice, a sharpness that had been honed over the years. He kept silent and still as the tale unfurled like some thorny vine that had ensnared his mother in her youth. Abandonment and fear as the start of her life, without a parent to care for her. A pang of loathing bloomed in his chest unbidden, something that would certainly remain rooted there for many years to come. No one mistreated his mother, not even her own parents.

Onwards the tale was spun, the reemergence of the ill fated heir with a fresh new family that didn't include Recluse. Once again he felt that sharpness in his gut, a desire to lash out at a figure that was long gone. His grandfather ought to be made to pay for what he'd done. An inconsistent, flighty figure that never stuck around to finish what he'd started, from the sound of it. How pathetic. To think that this was supposed to be the man who ruled the Klein empire at one point. Thank whatever power existed over them that the family had been spared such a disgrace. And then just as quickly as the vitriol had risen in his mother's voice like acrid bile, it began to fade. She leaned back against his shoulder and pressed her cheek against his neck, admitting that she had managed to learn some valuable lessons from the whole ordeal.

Snorting lightly, part derision and partly acknowledging the incredibly irony of it, he shook his head a little. Sighed quietly, tucked his chin down to smooth his tongue over Recluse's muzzle affectionately. He understood Ghoul's devotion suddenly. He wanted to ensure that his mother was never forced into something so traumatic again, even if he only ever supported her from her side. "I suppose I owe him some kind of thanks, then. Of course it would come after I hurled him down the side of the volcano." he replied with a soft laugh, mismatched eyes crinkling at the corners with a genuine smile.

”Speech” ’Thought’