
All that matters

Avacyn ♥



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 01:09 AM

The heart break and abandonment she felt in the wake of Saracyn's rage and departure slowly burned away as she mourned what she had thought she had in the shadowed darkness of her den, alone and ignoring anyone that attempted to pull her out of her self imposed solitude. The longer that she stayed there, wrapped up in the furs of her bed and running the situation back in her mind again and again, the more her pain began to chip away and instead was replaced by an anger of her own. She refused to believe that this was how it was all going to end, not after everything that they had been through, not after everything they had promised. There had to be another middle ground and some way to give them both what they wanted and needed, but before she could even really formulate a plan on how to do that she knew she had to find him before he disappeared entirely. She didn't know if her twin would truly abandon her like this, but with the state he had been in and how he seemed to think she viewed this whole situation she wasn't going to count it out as a possibility either.

When she pulled herself up, rubbing her tender eyes and shaking out her fur, it had started to grow late with the sun dipping down toward the horizon. Her ears flicked back as she looked out at the dwindling sunlight. She knew how far they had gotten the day they spent together fighting everything that crossed their paths and she knew she was already running out of time if she had any hope of finding him on her own. A quick whistle summoned her ravens to her and she sent them out to scout ahead of her since they could fly faster than she could run over the uneven terrain of their home and the two jet black birds took off in search of the familiar form of her brother. She avoided the rest of their family on her way off of the island, not wanting their questions or for any of them to attempt to stop her and as soon as she was over the bridge that connected their home to the mainland she took off, following Saracyn's scent and the calls from her ravens as they spotted signs of where he had been in the form of various corpses that dotted the landscape in his wake.

Eventually that brought her to a cliff side that looked over the ocean and by this point it had fully sunk into night. The moon was bright and cast a light over the grassy, flower dotted landscape, but as she looked around she didn't see any sign of her brother even though his trail led her here—at least not until she noticed the thin trail of smoke coming up form past the cliff's edge. She used that as her beacon and found a path down along the side of the cliff until she found the unusual, reptilian head-shaped opening where the smoke was trailing from. Her brother's familiar scent was strong here and a mix of conflicted anger and relief rushed over her as she hurried to the outcropping, a small leap over the jagged rocks landing her inside and face to face with Saracyn who was lingering near the campfire that was the obvious source of the smoke she had followed.

Avacyn hesitated as she stood across from him, suddenly confronted with the fact that she had come here with little plan and far less of an idea of what she truly wanted from this other than to bring her brother home. There was an anger and a desperation that ate at her as she struggled with what to do, but there was also the relief she always felt when she was away from him for any length of time and they found themselves together again. Despite what had happened and despite the uncertainty of what was ahead of them, she was happy to see him. Deeply, truly happy. In a way that made her even more angry with herself because she wanted to be able to have the same fire and rage at him that he had with her, but in the end that anger and that possessive twist in her gut she had felt at the thought of him being with anyone else drove her across the cave to him without a word and she shoved him onto his back with a forceful push of one large, leonine paw before she stood over him and pressed her lips hard to his, pouring out all of the pent up emotion into that kiss that she couldn't form into words.

"Avacyn Mendacium"