
All that matters

Avacyn ♥


"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-27-2022, 06:15 PM

The quiet night filled only with the sounds of the crackling fire and rhythmic ocean waves was abruptly disturbed by the alerting calls from Vindr and Veior roosting in the rocks around him, snatching Saracyn's attention up to his birds. The sound of rocks shifting and claws clicking against the stone ground caught his attention in the direction of the noises, nerves electrified and on edge, ready to spring into action to end the life of whatever had dared to come his way. There was a movement of shadow in the dark, and then violet fur appeared in the edge of his fire's light. Saracyn's focused gaze shot up, seeing the glowing marking on the intruder's face like a beacon in the dark, a marking he was intimately familiar with. Avacyn had tracked him down out here.

Saracyn felt his heart wrench in his chest. His initial reaction to find joy in his twin's presence was overshadowed by the feeling of heartbreak and betrayal he felt from their last interaction. A conflicting maelstrom of surprise and happiness and hurt and anger swirled about in his core, and for once the young wolf didn't immediately respond with delight at her presence. He held Ava's shocked gaze for a moment, his own narrowing to slight points while he stared hard at her. What was she even doing all this way out here? He supposed it didn't matter; she'd somehow found him and now he had to contend with seeing the object of his love that he could never have dangled tauntingly in front of his nose like a carrot on a stick. For a while neither wolf did anything until Sara's lips curled back from his teeth in a slight growl, issuing a careful warning to his sister to leave. He didn't want her here to twist the knife deeper into his heart. He just wanted to be left alone.

But before he could make any sound to warn her off, Ava was charging across the alcove towards him. Saracyn tried to rise to prepare to intercept her, ready to get into a fight with his twin, but the violet fae got to him before he could stand, using one large leonine paw to topple him back over and push him onto his back. Sara hit the rocky ground with a soft grunt, leering up at her with bewilderment painted on his features until surprise melted it away when her lips locked hard and deep to his. The prince gave a muffled sound of shock, stupefied by Ava's brazen and bold advance on him. She had always been the demure one of the two, always withdrawn and quiet, submissive in her behavior with him whenever they snuggled and kissed. This was an entirely new side of Avacyn—a dominant, commanding personality that seemed much more alpha than he'd ever seen his sister demonstrate before. Saracyn liked it a lot.

Blazing cobalt eyes slowly disappeared behind crimson eyelids, giving muted growls back against his lover's lips while a large white-toed paw lifted to curl around Avacyn's neck, holding her close so her lips couldn't leave his while he kissed her back, pouring forth all his furious passion and unrequited love and desire he harbored for her. In her lips, he tasted all those emotions she couldn't speak for him, and in his he sought to burn her alive with the intensity of his love for her. He aimed to show her that this was no game, no silly little puppy crush or fleeting feeling. He loved her. He wanted her in every way a man could want a woman. As his—wholly, unequivocally his and only his. He might not ever get what he wanted, but dammit he was going to make sure she knew how serious he was.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.
